Dentsply Sirona
I have worked with Dentsply Sirona since 2016. They are one of the world’s largest dental product manufacturers, making everything from the chairs you sit in, digital scanners, 3d printed dentures and all the instruments and implants you need for your dental care. They are based all over the world and I have worked on many projects with them in the US, UK and Europe. I do a mix of video work with them, from product videos, training videos, technical guides and videos that promote different aspects of the business designed to be show internally. These videos show other departments what they do and how they all go to make up the company. They again show how vital video is in communication within companies, especially when in multiple locations and countries. Below are a few examples of how I have helped.
Own It
Our Role - Creative, Production, filming, editing
This was a film commissioned to show the importance of preventive dentistry, particularly the importance of the Hygienists, It was shown internally at conference and also externally to promote the preventive business. It was shot in Boston US on a 2 day shoot.
preventive is
Our Role - Creative, Production, filming, editing
Like the "Own It" film, this video promotes preventive dental care. I filmed in locations from Boston to York, Pennsylvania, showcasing the process from research to manufacturing to clinicians to patients.
Charlotte innovation centre
Our Role - Creative, Production, filming, editing
Dentsply Sirona has created an Innovation Centre near their Charlotte, NC head office. I shot a film to promote its functions and boost usage of the space. This film is now used both internally and externally to explain its activities in detail.
smile way
Our Role - Creative, Production, filming, editing
York, Pennsylvania was the head office for many years of Dentsply. The company has since undergone lots of change, including the head office moving to Charlotte. To highlight that handmade manufacturing still takes place as the home of Dentsply, I made this short film whilst in York filming working on another project, to promote the facility to the rest of the business.